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Let's stay connected

Want to become an affiliate?

Do you have a website/blog that’s just itching for some Notion templates to spice things up?

I’m on the lookout for affiliates who are into everything related to Notion, Personal Growth, Workflow & creativity.

So, if you’re interested in featuring my templates then look no further! By applying through the button below, you’ll be able to receive a commission fee every time someone buys a template from your page. 

Let’s get started!

Want to collaborate with me?

Hey there, fellow Notion enthusiast!

Are you looking to collaborate with a like-minded creator who’s just as passionate about Notion as you are?

I’m always excited to work with other creators to make something amazing happen, be it Instagram posts, reels, stories, and YouTube videos showcasing the best Notion integrations and templates around. 

So, if you’re interested in collaborating, just shoot me an email!

1:1 Coaching

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and disorganized in your life or business? Do you want to create a holistic system that works for you and helps you establish more balance?

I offer 1:1 coaching for creating holistic life systems tailored to your individual needs, whether it’s for life management, starting a business, or content creation.

Let’s identify your goals and develop a plan of action that works for you. Contact me to schedule your coaching session today!